For the Book Lovers Reviews

Review: Like Flames in the Night by Connilyn Cossette

Where do I even begin? 

I cannot imagine a better conclusion to this incredible series. I was bawling intermittently through the last few chapters as the threads of this family saga were woven to a perfect end. My husband found me reading on the couch with a tissue in hand, and teased me for crying over the book. Through my tears I explained that I’ve been with these characters for forty years and watched Moriyah go from being a sixteen-year old girl to a grandmother, and it’s so sad that the series is over. He was both amused and confused by this, and I know it probably sounds crazy to most other people as well, but that’s how well written Connilyn’s characters are. I have watched this family grow over the course of four books (five if you count the last book of Connilyn’s previous series, where Moriyah was first introduced), and to see their story come to a close is like saying goodbye to dear friends. There are very few casts of characters that I have connected with on this level.

Before I continue with my thoughts, check out the gorgeous cover (click on it to view the book on Amazon!) and official back cover blurb:

Strong-willed Tirzah wants to join her people in driving the enemy from the land of Israel and undergoes training for a secret mission inside the stronghold of Shechem. But soon after she has infiltrated the ruthless Aramean commander’s kitchen, she makes a reckless decision that puts her and her allies in grave danger.

Fresh off the battlefield, Liyam returns home to discover his beloved daughter is dead. After his vow to hunt down her killer leads to months of fruitless pursuit, his last hope is in a family connection that comes with strings attached. Strings that force him to pose as a mercenary and rescue an infuriating woman who refuses to leave her mission uncompleted.

When an opportunity to pave a path to a Hebrew victory arises, can Tirzah convince Liyam to fight alongside her in the refuge city of her birth? Or will Liyam’s thirst for vengeance outweigh his duty to his people, his God, and the woman he’s come to love?

I loved getting to know Moriyah and Derek’s youngest, Tirzah! I hadn’t thought too much of her in the previous books where she was in the background as a baby, young girl, and then a teenager, but she ended up being such a strong, inspiring character. And Liyam–oh, yeah, he’s pretty awesome too! I loved, loved, loved the fact that he ties Moriyah’s family in with one of the families from the Out From Egypt series (I won’t spoil that little surprise for you, as much as I want to gush over how perfectly this twist fits everything together)! He is everything a hero should be: strong, brave, clever, kind, and handsome. You know those mystery parents of his? Yeah, they raised him well.

This book reads almost like two books in one, with two distinct parts/adventures that are still closely tied together so that the story flows well. You definitely get the sense that every story line of the book, and the series, is given plenty of time to play out and resolve in the most satisfying way possible. There was no aspect of the story that felt wanting or unresolved by the last page. 

All of Conniyln’s books have been full of action and adventure, but I’d say this one tops them all in that department. The battle to regain the Promised Land will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end!

But, as great as the characters, the love story, the adventure, and the plot and pacing were, the real crowning jewel of this book is the message. The theme verse is Exodus 14:14.

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”


When I received this book in the mail and found the handwritten note from Connilyn inside bearing this scripture reference, I immediately looked it up. Tears filled my eyes when I realized what verse it was, because it was exactly what I needed to read that day. Nearly every day since, I have reminded myself of this verse, finding comfort in the knowledge that my God is fighting my battles for me.

These beautiful words spoken by Moses to God’s people on the shores of the Red Sea as Pharaoh’s army was barrelling towards them, is the perfect accompaniment to this story. So many times I was moved to tears by the imagery of the Hebrews throwing off the chains of oppression, choosing to stand for righteousness and holding onto faith in their Deliver, not only because of how it echoed what their forefathers did when they left Egypt, but because it echoes what we must do in the present. We must choose truth and righteousness, no matter the cost. We must trust that our God will fight even the most impossible battles and win. We must gather our individual flames and form a bonfire of holy light in this dark world. 

Even more than it entertained me, this book challenged my heart to trust in the One Who Sees, to rest more fully in His all-consuming love. The same God who parted the Red Sea, sent manna down from Heaven, and shook the foundations of Jericho is on my side. So how can I be afraid of anything?

Like Flames in the Night earns the very best and brightest 5/5 Stars possible. I will never forget Moriyah, Derek, Eitan, Malahki, Tirzah, and the rest of this enormous, beloved clan. Their stories will forever stay in my heart as a reminder of what true faith looks like. And if I can ever be as great of a cook and as loving of a woman as Moriyah, I know I will be doing pretty well, indeed. 😉

Many thanks to Connilyn Cossette and the Bethany House team for not only sending me a copy of this book for my honest review, but for putting these books out into the world in the first place!