For the Book Lovers Reviews

Book Review: When the Day Comes

Wow. What a story!!!! After finishing this book, I had to just close it, sit there, and take it in. This is one of the most unique and intriguing books I’ve ever read, and it shall not be soon forgotten!

I started reading When the Day Comes a while back, and then, after getting about 10% into it, had to set it aside to catch up on my ARC reads. Once I was finally able to pick the book back up last week, I found I could not put it down again and I finished the rest of the book in three days (super fast for me).

If ever there was a book that I could not predict the ending to, it was this one. I could not make up my mind which path I thought Libby would end up choosing. Then when that choice actually played out, it all happened so differently than I originally thought. Ahhhh, I wish I could convey all my thoughts and feelings while reading this book, but I don’t want to say too much and ruin your own experience if you read it. I want you to be just as surprised as I was! So just suffice it to say that this book took me on an emotional roller coaster. One minute I was sighing in happiness, the next minute, wiping tears from my eyes, and then the next, wanting to scream at the book in protest. The author perfectly crafted this tale so that we feel just like Libby does throughout her journey. We can’t understand what the author is doing and how on earth Libby’s story can have a happy ending. And then, all of a sudden, it makes sense and, like Libby, we realize we never should have doubted the author (or God’s) plan. 

This is just a breathtaking read. So unique and fun, exciting and nerve-wracking, mend-bending and inspiring. ALL THE THINGS THAT MAKE BOOKS AWESOME! Without a doubt, this will for sure make my favorite reads of 2022 list! 5/5 Stars!

I’m officially counting down until book 2 comes out! The cover was released this week, and it’s gorgeous!